View the classes in my organization (administrator)

As an administrator, you can view and access any class within your organization using the List Classes option from the Class Manager menu.

You can then perform the following tasks on any active class within your organization:

  • Be navigated to the Class Homepage
  • View the class information
  • Edit the class
  • Delete the class

You can also restore any previously deleted classes.

The classes within your organization are displayed in the Tree View.

NOTE: The Tree View indicates parent class and child class relationships through branching. ExampleIntroduction to Calculus B is a child class of the parent class Introduction to Calculus.

Tree View list of viewing active classes; a child class is indented listed underneath its parent class.

View the list of classes

To view the classes within your organization as an administrator:

  1. Click Class Manager on the System Homepage.

Class Manager is the first dropdown of the top navigation menu on the System Homepage.

  1. Click List Classes.

List Classes is the first menu option under Class Manager on the System Homepage.

  1. All of your organization's active classes are displayed as a branching Tree View.

Viewing active classes page with Tree View list of classes on the right.

TIP: Click Show All to view all of your organization's active classes and deleted classes.

Show All is the second link under Viewing active classes heading on the left with Tree View list of classes on the right.

Deleted classes are indicated with the deleted iconDeleted icon.

The deleted icon is to the right of some class names.

Click Show Active to return to viewing only your organization's active classes.

Show Active is the second link under Viewing all classes heading on the left with Tree View list of classes on the right.

TIP: Click Flat List to view your organization's classes with the Flat List view. You can then perform a class search from the Flat List view. Check out Search for a class (administrator).

Flat List is the first link under Viewing active classes heading on the left with Tree View list of classes on the right.

  1. Click a class arrowClass arrow is pointing downto reveal the options available for that specific class.

The class arrow is a down arrow to the right of the name of the class in the Tree View.

TIP: Click a previously deleted class's class arrowClass arrow is pointing downto restore the class. Check out Restore a deleted class.

Clicking on the arrow to right of class name and to left of deleted icon displays a popup with the restore option.

  1. Click on what you want to do with the selected active class:

Clicking on the arrow to the right of the name of the class displays a popup with four menu options.

  • Homepage — Be navigated to the Class Homepage.
  • Info — Be navigated to the Class Details page.
  • Edit — Be navigated to the Edit Class Details page.
  • Delete — Delete the class from the list of active classes.

NOTE: The Master Class can't be deleted.

  1. As an administrator, you can freely explore and edit any class as needed after selecting Homepage, Info, or Edit at step 5.

The Edit Class Details page is shown.

What's next?

Now that you've found a class in the list, you're ready for: