Administrator Quick Start

Welcome to Möbius!

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Here's a Quick Start guide on how to get your organization up and running—fast:

TIP: As a Möbius administrator, your privileges within the Möbius platform relate to the management and configuration of your organization's Möbius site. Additionally, your privileges overlap with the privileges of instructors within your Möbius site. Check out:

1. Log in

Visit the Möbius URL specific to your organization.

The main log in screen shows your organization name and the log in fields.

TIP: Check out Log in.

After entering your email (or user login) and password, you'll land on the System Homepage.

TIP: Check out Use SAML integration with Möbius to learn more about enabling single sign-on for your organization.

2. User Tours

Once you've logged in, you'll have the option to view the Möbius User Tours.

Möbius User Tours take you through the key features of the platform each time you visit a featured page for the first time.

Sample of a User Tour message.

You can opt-in or opt-out of the User Tours at anytime.

TIP: Check out Take a User Tour.

3. System Homepage

After logging in, you'll land on the System Homepage.

The System Homepage shows the System Calendar, classes that you're an instructor for, and administrator menus.

This is the main dashboard of Möbius where you can:

  • View the classes that you're enrolled in (check out the Class List pane section of the Navigate the administrator System Homepage help topic)
  • View the System Calendar (check out Work with the calendars)
  • Perform administrator tasks for your organization using the administrator menus of:
  • Class Manager —Relates to managing classes within your organization.
  • System User Manager — Relates to managing the users within your organization.
  • System Admin — Relates to managing the configuration of your organization's Möbius site.

TIP: Check out Navigate the administrator System Homepage for more details on the menu functions that are available from your administrator System Homepage.

4. Profile

After logging in, you can click your username from the System Homepage.

Your name is in the top navigation bar of Möbius after the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy link.

On your user profile User Details page, you can view and edit the details of your:

User profile page.

5. Other tasks

If you have a specific task that you'd like to accomplish, type your keyword into the Online Help search bar for a list of relevant help topics.

There's a search bar at the top of the Mobius Administrator Online Help page.