Create a remote homework assessment

You can create remote homework assessments in Möbius Grading powered by Edufide, allowing students to access the assessment online and upload their answers for each question.

TIP: To help your students with completing the remote assessment online, check out Submit a Möbius Grading assessment for a student-facing guide.

Create a remote assessment

A new Möbius Grading tool must be added to your Learning Management System (LMS) course for each remoteassessment, and from there the assessment is configured and questions are created in Möbius Grading.

To create a remote assessment in Möbius Grading:

  1. Add the Möbius Grading tool to your LMS course, ensuring that the Grade points match the desired total for your assessment.

On Canvas course assignments page, at the top-right the Add Assignment button is highlighted.

TIP: This process depends on the Learning Management System (LMS) integration, but each Möbius Grading assessment must have its own link. Check out the following help topics for help with integration:

  1. Click the link in your LMS course to open Möbius Grading.

Canvas Assignments page with a link called Mobius Grading Homework.

TIP: Once assessment setup is complete, students will access the assessment and submit work by clicking this link.

  1. Select Homework on the Assessment page.

On the assessment screen in Mobius Grading, under In Person Exam the Select button is highlighted.

NOTE: Once an assessment type is selected and the assessment has been saved, the type can't be changed. You'd need to create a new link in your LMS course.

  1. Enter a Description for the assessment under the Assignment Setup heading.

Under Assignment Setup heading, the Description text field is highlighted with a text description, including some LaTeX markup.

NOTE: The Description field supports Markdown and LaTeX syntax for displaying math. You'll see the description as visible to the students in the Description Preview field:

Under Assignment Setup heading, the Description Preview field is highlighted with a preview of the description of the assessment.

  1. Customize the availability settings for the assessment:

Under Assignment Setup heading, the Due Date field is selected with the calendar open, and the Allow late submissions and Open to students radio buttons are highlighted.

PropertyDefault settingExplanation of property
Due DateEmpty

Sets the end date for submission; students can't access the assessment to upload files or submit after this date and time.

Allow late submissionsOff

On — Allow students to upload and submit responses after the Due Date, subject to the Late Penalty settings.

Off — Don't allow students to upload and submit responses after the Due Date.

Open to studentsOff

On — Allow students to access the assessment before the Due Date.

Off — Don't allow students to access the assessment.

IMPORTANT: The date and time set in the Due Date field will be in the time zone of your device.

  1. Create each question for the assessment under the Question Setup heading (check out Add questions to an assessment).

Under the Question Setup heading, Q1 section is highlighted with fields for Question Text, Preview and Marks.

  1. Once every question in the assessment has been added, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Assessment.

Scrolled to the bottom of Möbius Grading page, where the Save Assessment button at bottom right is highlighted.

NOTE: After saving the assessment, you'll be taken to the Möbius Grading dashboard for this assessment:

In Mobius Grading, the Dashboard is shown with headings 'Overview' and 'Assessment Details'.

Check out View the assessment dashboard and navigation menu for more details on the dashboard and assessment navigation.

Add questions to an assessment

When creating or editing a remote assessment, each question for the assessment is added under the Question Setup heading.

TIP: The students will see a separate upload area for each question that you add.

To add questions to the remote assessment:

  1. Navigate to the section for the question under Question Setup.

Under the Question Setup heading, the Q1 section is highlighted.

  1. Enter Question text for the question.

Under the Question Setup heading, the Question text field is highlighted with a text description, including some LaTeX markup.

NOTE: The Question text field supports Markdown and LaTeX syntax for displaying math. You'll see the question as visible to the students in the Preview field:

Under the Question Setup heading, the Preview field is highlighted with a preview of what's entered in the Question text field.

  1. Update the Marks field with the number of points allocated for that question in the assessment.

Under the Question Setup heading and Q1, the Marks number field is highlighted with the number 5 entered in.

IMPORTANT: The combined total of all Marks values for all questions in the assessment must match the points total set in your LMS at Step 1.

  1. Click Add Question to add another question to the assessment.

Under the Question Setup heading and next to Q1 on the right side, the Add button is highlighted.

  1. Update the Question text and Marks fields with the details of the new question.

Under the Question Setup heading, the Q1 section with Question text, Preview and Marks is highlighted.

NOTE: To delete a question from the assessment, click Remove Question:

Under the Question Setup heading, and in the right of the Q2 heading, the Remove Question 2 button is highlighted.

  1. Once every question in the assessment has been added, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Assessment.

Scrolled to the bottom of Möbius Grading page, where the Save Assessment button at bottom right is highlighted.

Edit the remote assessment content and settings

You can come back to the Möbius Grading assessment at any time to edit question content or update the assessment availability and feedback settings.

To update the availability settings, click Settings on the Assessment Details table (check out Schedule assessments and manage feedback settings):

In Mobius Grading, the Dashboard is shown with the Assessment Details table. The Settings button is in the top row on the right of the table.

To edit the description and question content in the assessment:

  1. Click Edit Exam on the Assessment Details section of the dashboard.

In Mobius Grading, the Dashboard is shown with the Assessment Details table. The Edit Exam button is in the top row on the far right of the table.

  1. Make the desired changes to the content.

The Assignment Setup and Question Setup headings are highlighted, with content to be edited in these sections.

  1. Once editing is complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Assessment.

Scrolled to the bottom of Möbius Grading page, where the Update Assessment button at bottom right is highlighted.

What's next?

Now that you've created the assessment and students have uploaded their work, you're ready to:


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