Create a featured class

Featured class — Specifically defined subset of parent classes whose content can be inherited—or shared—to other classes in your organization.

Content — Any component relating to the subject matter of a class (Example — Questions, Text, Lessons, Assignments, Interactive Narratives, Units, etc.).

Featured classes appear listed in the Inherit content from drop-down list in the Class Details pane while creating a class.

In creating a new class, cursor clicks on dropdown menu next to Inherit Content from. Names of some classes appear as options in the dropdown menu.

A class is defined as a featured class from the Class Details pane while creating or editing a class.

When creating another class, if it is set to inherit content from the featured class, then the new class is a child class and the featured class is its parent class.

Parent class — Class that hosts the content that is inherited by child classes.

Child class — Class that inherits content from a parent class.

Benefits of featured classes:

  • Share your class's content with other instructors—or borrow theirs—to strengthen your organization's pool of teaching material.
  • Manage the content of multiple sections of a large class in bulk.
  • Content for all child classes is pulled from a common pool of material for consistency between classes.
  • Child classes can still contain their own unique content without affecting the featured class's or other child classes' content.

Special notes for featured classes:

  • Modifications made to the featured class's content automatically propagate to all affected child classes.
  • Inherited content can't be edited directly within a child class.
    • To edit inherited content, it must first be cloned into the child class.
  • Content properties and Policy Sets are also inherited and can be modified within each child class.

NOTE: Content inherited from another class is indicated by the shared iconThe Shared Content iconin the Content Repository.

NOTE:non-featured class is a class that isn't defined as a featured class.

Define a class as a featured class

You can define a class as a featured class during class creation or at anytime while editing an existing class.

A featured class is defined by selecting the Featured Class check box in the Class Details pane.

In creating or editing class details, the Featured Class checkbox is highlighted in the list on the right.

NOTE: This check box can be selected and deselected at any time. This does not affect any existing parent-child class relationships.

TIP: Check out Create a class and Edit a class for more details on creating and editing class details.

What's next?

Now that you've created a featured class, you're ready for: