Administrator Placement Testing Guide

Get your organization up and running with the Möbius MAA Placement Test Suite!

While this Administrator Placement Testing Guide covers just a subset of the powerful capabilities of the Möbius platform, it's a great starting point to focus on managing placement testing users and classes within your organization.

In addition to getting oriented with the Möbius platform and managing your personal Möbius user profile, this Administrator Placement Testing Guide covers the main tasks of coordinating placement testing within your organization:

  • Setting up LTI and other system configurations
  • Managing placement testing classes
  • Managing placement testing users
  • Managing user enrollment into placement testing classes

Within this guide, you'll find relevant help topic links to the main Möbius Online Help since the tasks involved in administering placement testing overlap with the tasks that an administrator would perform for coordinating configurations, classes, and users not related to placement testing.

TIP: Wondering how to do something with placement testing that's beyond the basics? Check out the main Administrator Online Help to view the full library of Möbius help topics.

1. Access Möbius

Get to know the Möbius platform as an administrator.

Here are the help topic links that will help you get oriented with the Möbius platform:

  • Log in — Use one of the three ways to log in to Möbius (Example — directly, through a Learning Management System, or through single sign-on).
  • Take a User Tour — Take a guided tour to discover the different key areas of the Möbius platform.
  • Navigate the System Homepage — This is the main hub of Möbius that you'll use to manage system settings and configurations, classes, users, and your own user profile.

TIP: Want to find out more about the Möbius platform? Here are some help topic links that you might find informative:

2. Manage my user profile

Once you've logged in, you'll be able to view and edit your user profile.

Here are the help topic links that you'll need for managing your user profile:

  • Access and edit my user profile — Review and edit your user details as needed (Example — edit your display name, modify your User Tour preferences, etc.).
  • Change my password — Update your Möbius password to increase your user profile security.
  • Forgot my password — Reset your Möbius password if you've lost or forgotten it.
  • Change my email — Update the email that's associated with your Möbius user profile.

3. Configure my organization

After you've gotten oriented with the Möbius platform and have your user profile all set up, you're ready to start configuring your organization's Möbius site to get ready for placement testing.

These configurations can include both LTI and other system settings.

Here are the help topic links that you'll need for configuring your organization:

  • Configure an LTI 1.3 connection — Configure LTI 1.3 connections that you can then use to create LTI links for your placement testing.
  • Configure an LTI link — Set up LTI links from your Learning Management System to different parts of Möbius (Example — link to the Class Homepage of a placement testing class, or link directly to a placement test).
  • View system settings — Review the configuration of your Möbius site and contact DigitalEd's Support Team to request changes.

4. Class management

Once your organization is configured with your desired placement testing settings, you're ready to support your organization's instructors with the management of their placement testing classes.

Instructors will have the ability to create and edit their own placement testing classes, but as an administrator, you can create, edit, preview, and delete any placement testing class across your organization.

Here are the help topic links that you'll need for creating, editing, and managing placement testing classes within your organization:

  • Create a class — You can create placement testing classes in Möbius, which is done just like you would for a regular Möbius class.
  • Create a child class — You can create copies of existing placement testing classes that can inherit content from an original version of a placement testing class.
  • Edit a class — You can make edits to placement testing classes at anytime (Example — you can edit the class name, class description, classification as a Featured Class, change how students are enrolled into the class, etc.).
  • Search for a class — You can search for a specific placement testing class.
  • View the classes in my organization — You can view the placement testing classes within your organization and then perform a range of tasks within them (Example — preview the placement testing class, view the placement testing class details, etc.).
  • Delete a class — You might want to delete a placement testing class from your organization.

TIP: If you're an administrator that's also involved in the management of placement test content, check out the 2. Placement test management section of the Instructor Placement Testing Guide for information on adopting placement tests and configuring placement test properties.

5. User management

After placement testing classes are set up within your organization, you can then manage the users who'll be using the classes (Example — students, instructors, placement test coordinators, proctors, etc.).

Most instructors will have the ability to create new users, but as an administrator, you can create, edit, preview, and delete the user profile of any user within your organization.

Here are the help topic links that you'll need for creating, editing, and managing the users of the placement testing classes within your organization:

  • Create a user — You can create new Möbius user profiles and choose from a range of user roles to assign to the new users for them to use to access placement testing.
  • Manage self-registration for my organization — You can work with DigitalEd's Support Team to enable self-registration for your organization so that students can create their own Möbius profiles to access placement testing.
  • Work with a user roster file — Build a user roster file so that you can create multiple new users at once for placement testing.
  • Search for a user — Perform a user search at anytime within your organization or within a specific placement testing class.
  • Manage user roles — Use the Role Manager to create and edit user roles that you can then assign to specific users in your organization for placement testing.
  • View active users — If you're curious about who's currently accessing placement testing within your organization, you can view a list of active users.
  • Learn about proctors — Consider creating users with the proctor role to promote the security and integrity of placement testing within your organization.

6. Enrollment management

Once users have their Möbius user profiles, login credentials, and assigned user roles, they're ready to be enrolled into placement testing classes.

TIP: Seamless LTI integration with your Learning Management System (Example — Blackboard®, Brightspace®, Canvas™, Moodle™, etc.) is also available. Check out Create an LTI link.

Instructors will have the ability to manage the enrollment of users into their own placement testing classes, and as an administrator, you can support your organization's instructors by also managing user enrollment.

Here are the help topic links that you'll need for managing enrollment into placement testing classes within your organization:

  • Enroll a user — There are a few ways to enroll students into placement testing classes (Example — enroll users with self-enrollment, a user roster file, the Enroll Users option, or through LTI).
  • Manage student enrollment — The Who can self-enroll into this class property that's defined while creating or editing a placement testing class allows you to control how students are enrolled into placement testing classes.
  • Add an instructor — You might want to enroll additional instructors into placement testing classes to support the primary instructor with its administration.
  • Add a proctor — You might want to enroll additional users as proctors for placement testing classes to support its administration and promote placement test security and integrity.
  • Allow exceptions using Proctor Tools — Instructors or proctors may need to provide a student in your placement testing class with one-time permissions for an extra attempt at the placement test, or a date/time extension.
  • Remove a user — A user may unintentionally become enrolled into a placement testing class, so you can help to remove (or unenroll) them.

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