Work with the Syntax Checker

The Syntax Checker automatically reviews all responses that are manually entered into the Equation Editor's entry field.

The Syntax Checker highlights potential function name syntax errors (syntax or typo) in two ways:

  • A green highlight indicates the detection of a potential parenthesis error or empty placeholder
  • A yellow highlight indicates the detection of a potential syntax error

Interact with the Syntax Checker

To interact with the Syntax Checker's highlights:

  1. Hover your cursor over the yellow highlighted section to view the function name syntax suggestion.

Cosine is entered in the Equation Editor field in all uppercase letters.COS is highlighted in yellow with tool tip suggesting cos in lowercase letters.

NOTE: The placement of some parentheses will reveal green highlighting and an editing suggestion.

An extra parenthesis is entered in the Equation Editor field.The parenthesis is highlighted in green with tool tip suggesting the replacement of the parenthesis with a multiply function.

If no editing suggestion appears for a green highlighted parenthesis, it's likely an unmatched parenthesis that requires matching or removal.

An unmatched parenthesis is entered in the Equation Editor field.The parenthesis is highlighted in green.

Empty placeholders will also reveal a green highlight.

An empty placeholder in a sine expression is highlighted in green within the Equation Editor field.

  1. Manually enter the suggestion(s) to correct your response (if appropriate) or review your bracket placement if there's a green highlight. All highlighting disappears after you've implemented all of the Syntax Checker's suggestions.

An expression is shown in the Equation Editor field without any yellow or green highlights.

NOTE: Submitting a response without using the suggested correction will risk you getting the question incorrect.