Permanently delete content

Content that has been deleted from the Content Repository can then be permanently deleted.

IMPORTANT: Permanently deleting content means that the content can't be restored to your Content Repository.

The transition of content from deleted to permanently deleted can only be performed on the following content types:

  • Questions
  • Interactive narratives
  • Math Apps
  • Text

TIP: Check out Delete content to learn about deleting different types of content.

TIP: Check out Restore deleted content. to learn about restoring previously deleted content.

To permanently delete content

To permanently delete previously deleted content from your Content Repository:

  1. Navigate to the Current Class source of your Content Repository.

In the Content Repository, the Sources pane is at the far left of the screen. Current Class is the first option under the Sources pane.

  1. Click the Trash bin folder within the Current Class source.

Trash bin is at the bottom of the Current Class pane.

NOTE: The Trash bin folder is only available within the Current Class source.

  1. Click the All Content Types - Deleted folder within the Trash bin.

Trash bin is at the bottom of the Current Class pane.

  1. Click Permanently delete to permanently delete all deleted content in this folder.

Deleted pane open, Permanently delete button is at the bottom of the Deleted pane.

TIP: Alternatively, you can permanently delete specific pieces of content:

  1. Select the check box(es) of the specific content that you want to permanently delete.

Checkboxes for some items listed under the Deleted pane are checked.

  1. Click Delete from the bulk functions bar.

At the bottom of the page, Delete is the sixth button.

  1. Click Confirm to finalize the permanent deletion.

When clicking on the Delete button, Confirm is highlighted in the popup menu.

  1. The selected content is permanently deleted from your Content Repository and can't be restored.

Previous content is no longer in the list under Deleted pane.

  1. The content is permanently deleted from your Content Repository and can't be restored.

No list of items under the Deleted pane.