Work with subjects

Subjects are used to categorize your content within your Content Repository into groupings based on their educational discipline.

NOTE: This help topic covers the main tasks when working with subjects:

  • Creating a subject
  • Associating content with a subject
  • Locating content using a subject

Check out Work with additional tasks for subjects for instructions on:

  • Editing a subject name
  • Removing content from a subject
  • Deleting a subject
  • Cloning a subject
  • Exporting a subject

NOTE: Subjects are considered a type of container in the Content Repository.

Associating content with a subject allows you to then easily locate a specific piece of content by searching for it based on its subject.

You can associate any type of content or supplementary content with a subject within your Content Repository.

Content — Any component relating to the subject matter of a class (Example — Questions, Text, Lessons, Assignments, Interactive Narratives, Units, etc.).

Supplementary content — Components that support the creation, structure, and implementation of content. Example — Themes, Policy Sets, Slide Templates, Course Modules.

NOTE: Working with subjects in a child class? You'll first need to clone inherited content into your class before you can interact with its subjects. Check out Clone content.

IMPORTANT: Changes that you make to a subject (Example — creating a subject, editing a subject name, etc.) will affect the subjects within your Content Repository as well as the Content Repositories of all other users across your Möbius site (Example — if you've created a new subject, all other users with access to a Content Repository within your organization will be able to interact with your subject in their class).

NOTE: These are the default subjects that are pre-loaded in the Content Repository:

  • Finance
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Statistics
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

Your Content Repository may have more, less, or different subjects depending on changes that other users across your organization have made.

Create a subject

To create a new subject:

NOTE: Subjects can only be created from the Current Class source of your Content Repository.

  1. Navigate to the Subjects pane of the Current Class source in your Content Repository.

Subjects is the thirteenth option in the Current Class pane.

  1. Click Create New in the Subjects pane.

Create New button is at the bottom of the Subjects pane.

TIP: Subjects can contain child subjects. If you want to create a child subject that's nested within a parent subject:

  1. Navigate into a selected subject until you reach the subject that you want to add a child subject to (Example — the Calculus I subject is nested within the Calculus subject, which is nested in the Mathematics subject).

In the Subjects pane, Mathematics was selected, and then Calculus was selected. In the Calculus pane, the Calculus 1 subject is highlighted.

  1. Click Create New once you've reached the subject that you want to add a child subject to.

Create New button is at the bottom of the Calculus pane.

  1. Resume at step 3 of Create a subject

  1. Click Subject.

After clicking on the Create New button, the Subject option in the popup menu is highlighted.

  1.  Define the name of the new subject .

The Subject Name text field is highlighted in the Add Subject dialog.

  1. Click Add Subject.

The Add Subject button is highlighted in the Add Subject dialog.

  1. Your new subject is added to the list of available subjects to your Content Repository and all other Content Repositories in your organization.

A subject is highlighted in the list under the Subjects pane.

Associate content with a subject

Content can be associated with one or more subjects:

  • Individually
  • In bulk

Once content is associated with a subject, you'll then be able to easily locate content within your Content Repository that's grouped based on the subject(s) it's tagged with.

Associate individual pieces of content with a subject

To associate an individual piece of content with a subject:

NOTE: These steps can't be applied to:

  • Themes
  • Policy Sets
  • Course Modules as a whole (works for pieces of content within a Course Module)

Check out the Associate content with a subject in bulk subsection of this help topic to associate these types of content with a subject.

  1. Navigate to the Content Summary pane of the piece of content that you want to associate with a subject and click Edit Details.

Edit Details button is highlighted on the Content Summary pane, next to the Authors list.

  1. Select the check box of the subject in the Subjects section that you want the piece of content associated with.

All subjects are listed in the Edit Details dialog. The checkbox next to the first subject is checked.

TIP: You can select more than one subject check box.

TIP: Click the folderThe group icon is a closed file folder.icon of a subject to view its nested child subjects.

One subject is listed with a folder icon next to its name.

The child subjects are then displayed.

One subject is listed with an open folder icon next to its name. Underneath three more subjects are listed and highlighted.

  1. Click Save.

The Save button is highlighted.

  1. The applied subject appears listed in the Content Summary pane's Subjects section, and the piece of content is now associated with that subject.

A subject name is listed under the Subjects heading on the Content Summary pane.

Associate content with a subject in bulk

To associate content with a subject in bulk:

  1. Navigate to the content or supplementary content pane that contains the content that you want to associate with a subject.

Next to the Current Class pane, the Questions pane is highlighted.

  1. Select the check boxes of all of the content that you want to associate with a subject.

Checkboxes are selected for some questions listed in the Questions pane.

  1. Click Add to from the bulk functions bar.

In the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, the Add to button is highlighted.

  1. Click Subjects from the Containers pane in the Add to window.

In the Add to dialog, Subjects is highlighted under Containers heading.

TIP: The Move to function is used to relocate content to a different subject. Check out the Remove content from a subject in bulk subsection of the Work with additional tasks for subjects help topic. Alternatively, check out Relocate content to learn more about the differences between the Add to and Move to functions of the bulk functions bar.

  1. Select the check box(es) of the subject(s) that you want the content associated with that you selected in step 2.

In the Add to dialog, the checkbox next to the name of a subject is selected.

TIP: The number in parentheses beside the subject represents the number of nested child subjects (ExampleMathematics has three nested child subjects).

There is a number to the right of the name of the subject

Click on the subject name to reveal the nested child subjects.

Subject with number three next to it is highlighted. In the next pane, three more subjects are listed.

You can select both parent and child subjects from the Add to window.

Checkboxes for a subject in the Subjects pane, and another subject in the next pane to the right, are checked.

  1. Click Add to.

The Add to button is highlighted.

  1. The selected content is then associated with the selected subject(s). Click a listed subject to view the content that's now associated with the subject.

In the Add to complete popup window, click on the link to view the updated containers.

TIP: Alternatively, click Done to return to the Content Repository where you originally selected the content from.

In the Add to complete popup window, the Done button is highlighted.

Locate content by a subject

To locate content within your Content Repository by using a subject that it's associated with:

  1. Navigate to the subject (or child subject ) of interest from the Subjects pane.

Biochemistry subject is chosen from the Subjects pane, which opens the Biochemistry pane to the right.

  1. Within the subject's pane, navigate to the content type of interest to view all pieces of content with the selected subject applied.

In the Biochemistry pane, Questions is the fifth option in the list.

  1. All content of the selected content type that's associated with the selected subject is listed.

Questions is chosen from the Biochemistry pane, which opens the Questions pane to the right.