Access and edit my user profile

To access and/or edit your user profile:

NOTE: You can't view or edit your profile if Möbius is being accessed through a Learning Management System (LMS) (Example — Blackboard®, Brightspace®, Canvas™, Moodle™, etc.).

NOTE: If you're a student, your user profile will also display information about your Möbius license. If you're profile displays the Purchase Codes pane, this is simply transaction record to demonstrate your proof of purchase and license status. This is for informational purposes only (it can't be used as an access code or redemption code).

The purchase code, access type, class, expiry date, and activation status are displayed in the Purchase Codes pane of the user profile page.

If your profile displays the Licenses pane, this is mainly used to keep track of when your license expires.

A date is shown in the Expiry column of the Licenses table in the user profile.

  1. Click your username to go to your profile settings.

Your username is located between the "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy" link and the "Logout" link

  1. You can review your user profile information.

Your user details and the classes that you're enrolled in are displayed on the user profile page. You can also edit your profile, update your password, change your email, manage your User Tour preferences, and enroll in a class from your user profile page.

NOTE: Administrators will have an additional Global ID field in their user profile, and are able to view this value for all other users of their Möbius site. This is used for when administrators contact DigitalEd's Customer Support Team with queries about student licensing (check out Get my license using Möbius).

The Global ID field is after the User Login field on the user profile page.

TIP: Some other tasks that you can perform from this page are:

You'll also be able to click Enroll in a Class from your user profile page if you're already enrolled in at least one other class (check out Enroll in a class).

The "Enroll in a Class" button is the last button on the user profile page.

  1. Click Edit User in User Details.

The Edit User option is the first link in the User Details pane of the user profile page.

  1. You can modify your:

Only the "First Name", "Last Name", "Display Name", "Student ID", and custom fields are the only editable fields in the User Details pane.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Student ID
  • Custom fields

NOTE: Your email can't be changed from this page. Check out Change my email.

NOTE:System Role and User Login (and Global ID for administrators) can't be changed.

NOTE: All fields are case-sensitive.

  1. (Optional) Select the Require user to validate on next login check box if you want your next log in event to be authenticated.

The "Require user to validate on next login" check box is the last editable option in the User Details pane.

  1. Click Submit to save your changes.

The "Submit" button is the first button at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: If your organization's Möbius administrator has added a custom user field (ExampleProgram Name) to your profile after your profile has already been created, you'll be required to complete the new field before being able to submit your other profile changes.

  1. A success message appears when your changes have been saved.

The success message of "The user information was successfully updated" appears at the top of the user profile page.

What's next?

From your user profile, try the following tasks: