
The Role of eLearning in High School Education and Outreach – Jim and Greg (Part 1)

Perimeter Institute's Greg Dick breaks down the role of eLearning in high school education and outreach, in the first half of his discussion with host Jim Cooper.
Somlynn Rorie
Somlynn Rorie

Gregory Allan Dick has 25+ years of experience leading and catalyzing change around the globe. He is a gifted educator, strategic thinker, communicator, and leadership expert. As the Director of Educational Outreach at the Perimeter Institute (PI), Greg has built a global education and advocacy network that spans more than 60 countries, driving STEM and scientific literacy around the globe. Greg and the Educational Outreach team at PI provide programs across Canada that share the power of theoretical physics with general audiences, develop high school age youth for the field, and support a network of educators with in-class resources. The Educational Outreach team also provides outreach expertise at major events around the world and through online resources. In this two part podcast, listen as Greg and Jim Cooper, President and CEO of Maplesoft, discuss the role of elearning in high school education and outreach.
