Möbius for STEM Assessments
Online homework and assessment capabilities designed for courses involving mathematics
Have questions about assessment delivery and configuration within Möbius?
Giving educators full testing control with online assignment properties
There’s no need to compromise on the configuration of your online STEM homework or assessment when you can customize over 50 assignment properties within Möbius. You can even save time while designing your homework or assessments by taking advantage of Policy Sets to consistently apply a defined subset of assignment properties in bulk without needing to manually adjust individual assignments.
With the intuitive Assignment Editor, tailor your Möbius assignments to include properties such as:
Display settings, permitted number of attempts, passing score, randomization options, time limits, and more can be set to lay the groundwork for the delivery of your Möbius assignment.

Choose when and for how long students can access your Möbius assignment, while at the same time enforcing additional scheduling criteria for feedback and grading options.

Customize what feedback students receive both during and after they complete their Möbius assignment. Question solutions, hints, customized messages, and more can be adjusted to accommodate any assessment scenario.

Provide a personalized learning experience for each student by creating custom access criteria for each Möbius assignment which can be dependent on prior work completed in Möbius, date and time, physical location, and special permissions.

An unparalleled capacity to guarantee assessment integrity without sacrificing student privacy. Provide fully algorithmic and randomized Möbius assignments with several options to make each individual attempt unique. Additionally, restrict access conditions, permissions, and browser capabilities to ensure a secure testing environment.

Policy Sets
Efficiently assign a customized subset of properties to your Möbius assignments by applying a Policy Set to a specific assignment or several assignments in bulk. This saves you time in designing and deploying your online homework and assessments.

Don’t start from scratch. With the Möbius Assignment Importer, you can bring your existing assignments into Möbius to truly accelerate the creation of your course.
For more information and to watch a walkthrough video, click the button to read our blog post.
Explore the possibilities of using Möbius for STEM Assessments
Book a Personalized Demo
Here is your opportunity to use the power of Möbius and deliver assessment at scale. Book a demo with us and learn more about how you can genuinely assess student understanding of complex math-based STEM subjects.