
Assessment in the Digital Age

How to transform STEM Assessment with Möbius?
Somlynn Rorie
Somlynn Rorie

In the digital age, educators have more opportunities than ever to leverage technology and deliver assessments at scale. How do you genuinely assess student understanding through assessment, especially for complex math-based STEM subjects? And how can you choose the right digital platform?

Chances are, your institution already has a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) or an LMS (Learning Management System), and you might even be overwhelmed by the amount of available digital tools. The truth is that VLEs are great but don’t prioritize STEM and fall short when delivering math-based STEM course materials. It would help if you had the right tool for the job, one that meets your objectives:

  • To save time through the power of automatic grading and instant feedback
  • Leverage data & analytics to understand where students are in their learning journey, inform instruction, and, in turn, positively impact student learning outcomes
  • To give students lots of opportunities to practice beforehand without adding it to your workload with automatically generated randomized questions
  • To handle all types of math expressions and equations

In this bite-sized session, DigitalEd’s Joe Easdown and Yazan Khader explored some key challenges institutions face with online assessment and how we can help you enhance both summative and formative assessment with the most innovative and comprehensive learning platform, Möbius. 
